Introducing Ruth Harbor’s New Phases

In previous newsletters we have described for you Ruth Harbor’s origin story, the values that guide us as a ministry, the cultural changes between the early years of Ruth Harbor and today, and the root cause of the issues impacting the women who call Ruth Harbor for help. We even provided a glimpse into the life of a child living in generational poverty.

In this issue, we want to introduce you to Ruth Harbor’s new phases.

Ruth Harbor Foundations:
Learn the skills to be the person you were meant to be.

In many instances, housing is not the first or best option for a woman who calls Ruth Harbor for help. Ruth Harbor Foundations gives us the opportunity to connect with women and begin developing a relationship before we offer housing. Often, this means connecting women to partner and community resources to assist them, but it is also an opportunity to provide classes and training in necessary skills.

Ruth Harbor Maternity:
Discover a home where God’s love transforms lives.

In our Maternity Home we are able to provide food, safety, security, and access to medical care to help women who are pregnant prepare for the birth of their child. This gives our team the opportunity to begin developing a trusted relationship and to start to peel away the layers of the onion that is her life’s story.

Ruth Harbor Mother/Child:
Grow together in safety and community.

In our Mother/Child home the goal is to prepare a mom to not just survive, but to thrive as a single parent family. This includes establishing childcare, stable employment, reliable transportation, as well as the life skills necessary to live independently. At the same time, the Ruth Harbor team can continue to help address the life trauma and mental health related issues through competent, biblically-based counseling.

Ruth Harbor Transitions:
Independent, but with support and community.

As we write, we are in the process of converting the top two floors of our Des Moines home to transitional housing for mothers with children. This will be a much more independent living environment where women will be responsible for all the things in their life that are necessary to provide for their family. At the same time, Ruth Harbor will provide a room and community to help women continue to grow and heal.

Ruth Harbor Family:
Becoming the family God meant you to be!

Our Family Care Program is the final and ongoing phase for women who come to Ruth Harbor. In short, it simply means you are not alone. You have a family that loves you and cares for you. Whether it is friendship gatherings with women on the same life journey or assistance with problems as they arise, the Ruth Harbor Family provides ongoing support to empower women to not only survive, but to thrive.

In each phase of this program, we are praying and asking God to do what only He can do, and that is to bring life-changing transformation to these young families. This kind of work is only accomplished through the gospel. In each phase, women and children are working with team members who are messengers of the gospel and ministers of reconciliation.

Our prayer is that when a woman calls Ruth Harbor for help, we can offer her more than simply a shelter, we can offer her a new life.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one day the team members who are working alongside new members of the Ruth Harbor family are graduates of Ruth Harbor?

Imagine the hope that is communicated if a young woman at the lowest point in her life is greeted by a healthy, happy, confident woman who can look her in the eye and say, “a few years ago, I was where you are at right now, but with our help and God’s healing power, you, too, can find real life transformation.”


A Day in the Life of a Child