Courage On Display

We all love getting good news. Nothing cheers our day more than hearing that one of our children is doing well in school or a good friend has received a well-earned promotion. Yes, we think to ourselves, God is good.

God is also good when we walk through times of trials and even suffering. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every newsletter was filled with incredible testimonies of healing and life transformation?

That’s not life all the time, however, and we instinctively know this. We experience times of trials and suffering in our own life; it is part of our fallen world. We certainly see this at Ruth Harbor. There is so much brokenness and difficulty for many of the young women we are called to serve.

In my short existence with Ruth Harbor (I started last June), I have seen the harsh reality of life and the absolute courage demonstrated by young moms.

“I just want my kids to have a better life than I’ve had.” That is their hope, and that is what they work towards. Life is a beast and it keeps pulling them back into the ditch. Many of these moms, however, get up and keep walking, they keep working to give their kids a better life. That is courage.

This is where your giving makes a difference. For many of us God has not given us the opportunity to walk along side a hurting mom, but that is what He has called Ruth Harbor to do. Because of your generous support we can support moms who have no one else to turn to for help. Because of your generous support we can share with moms the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the hope found in the gospel. Because of your generous support we can walk this journey along side single moms. You are making a difference! Thank you!


Stay In the Fight


2022 Impact Report